Burkina: Battalion Chief Hamado Bambara now commands the 1st military region

Ouagadougou: The Chief of Staff of the Army, Colonel Théophile Nikiema, installed Thursday the Commander of the first military region and weapons commander of the place, the chief of the Hamado Bambara battalion.

Installed on June 12, 2024 in his functions as commander of the First Military Region covering the Center-North and the North and weapons commander of Kaya Square, Battalion Chief Hamado Bambara officially took his baton of command on Thursday 25 July 2024 in Kaya from the hands of the Chief of Staff of the Army (CEMAT), Colonel Théophile Nikiema.

After installing the new commander of the First Military Region (1st RM), CEMAT Nikiema wished him every success in his missions for the reconquest of the national territory. ‘He also needs the support of his brothers in arms, the administrative authorities and the populations for frank collaboration in the fight against the terrorist hydra,’ urged Colonel Théophile Nikiema.

In his speech, the commander of the 1st RM thanked his military hierarchy for th
e trust placed in his modest person. ‘I reassure you of my commitment and my determination to accomplish my mission with dedication and loyalty,’ he promised.

Senior officer Bambara also made a special mention to his four brother officers from Mali and Niger present at the ceremony with whom he worked as part of the military force of the Alliance of Sahel States (AES).

Addressing his direct collaborators, Battalion Chief Hamado Bambara requested their full commitment and support for the success of their mission, especially in this particular context which requires more sacrifices in rigor and military discipline.

As a result, he reassured of his spirit of openness and his permanent availability to iron out, as far as possible, the difficulties which could constitute an obstacle to the achievement of his objectives.

‘I also remain available and committed to working with all the other military, paramilitary and civilian forces present in the region, because it is only together that we can go far,’ declared
the commander of the 1st military region.

From the administrative, judicial, customary and religious authorities, Hamado Bambara requested their support, prayers and blessings for the success of his mission.

He is the 11th commander of the 1st military region, replacing Lieutenant-Colonel Éric Constantin Tapsoba, who commanded from November 14, 2022 to June 12, 2024.

Created on August 8, 1994, the 1st military region currently covers the Center-North and North regions with seven provinces over an area of ??36,028 km² and 470 km of borders with Mali.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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