Burkina deploys tractors to plow producers’ fields for free

Ouagadougou: The Burkinabè Government has started to deploy tractors in several regions of the country with the mission of plowing the land, free of charge, for the benefit of farmers, with a view to helping food production for the season agricultural in progress.

As part of the agropastoral offensive decided by President Ibrahim Traoré, 400 tractors were handed over to the Ministry of Agriculture and will be used to support producers from this agricultural campaign.

‘These tractors were entirely acquired by the State. They are intended to plow the fields free of charge for the benefit of producers, without distinction, in accordance with the will of the President of Faso,’ recalled the Secretary General of the Ministry of Agriculture, Gaoussou Sanou.

The tractor drivers will operate under the supervision of agricultural mechanization brigade leaders.

The first phase of tractor deployment will concern the Boucle du Mouhoun, Hautes Bassins, Cascades, South-West, Center-East and Center-West regions.

The ag
ropastoral and fisheries offensive is an initiative which aims to boost the rice, corn, potato, wheat, fish, livestock sectors, etc. to sustainably fill the country’s chronic food deficits and provide new economic prospects through its sectors.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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