Burkina: More than 720 thousand registered for school exams session 2024 the successful organization of school exams, a ‘sovereignty challenge’ according to the Minister of National Education

Ouagadougou: The school exams for the 2024 session record a total of 728,264 registered candidates including 402,602 girls, according to the Minister in charge of National Education, Jacques Sosthène Dingara speaking to the press this Friday in Ouagadougou.

The 2023 session had recorded 753,606 registered candidates, an increase of 25,342 registered compared to the year 2024.

For the Minister in charge of National Education, Jacques Sosthène Dingara, success in the organization of school exams is a ‘ challenge of national sovereignty’ in the face of which he requested the mobilization of all active forces.

‘We have the duty to take up this challenge as every year through good organization of exams, administration of the tests, guaranteeing equal opportunities to all candidates, in security conditions which guarantee the credibility of the diplomas we issue. “.

The minister also called on the educational community, parents, the Defense and Security Forces, and the VDP to mobilize to offer children good con
ditions for school exams.

‘In view of what has already been achieved and the commitment of stakeholders at all levels, we are hopeful that the various exams and school competitions of this session will be held in accordance with the schedule,’ he maintained.

The first head of the Department of National Education and the Promotion of National Languages also noted the reduction in the allocation of 77.838 million FCFA, i.e. a rate of 0.33% on a forecast budget of 23 billion 243 million 154,000 CFA francs allocated to his ministry.

For details of the numbers, the CEP records 360,340 candidates, i.e. 198,364 girls and 161,976 boys, compared to 376,297 in 2023, a drop of 15,957.

At the BEPC, there are 220,158 candidates including 130,497 girls and 89,661 boys compared to 216,253 the previous year, an increase of 3,905 students.

‘The total number of TVET candidates is 26,999 candidates including 10,719 girls and 16,280 boys compared to 23,595 in 2023, an increase in numbers of 3,404 candidates,’ noted the mini

He noted that for the Baccalaureate, the number of candidates amounts to 120,767 candidates, i.e. 57,745 boys and 63,022 girls, while that of 2023 had 137,461 candidates, i.e. a drop in numbers of 16,694 compared to 2023.

Mr. Dingara finally indicated that major innovations have been made by his department in the management software for school exams and competitions for the successful holding of the 2024 session.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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