Burkina: New doctors invited to develop higher education institutions

Ouagadougou: The president of Joseph Ki-Zerbo University, Professor Jean-François Silas Kobiané, urged more than 200 doctors who had just received their parchments, to constitute ‘a critical mass of teachers to truly develop higher education institutions.’

The Joseph Ki-Zerbo University of Ouagadougou organized on Friday the graduation ceremony for more than 200 doctors who defended their theses between 2023 and 2024 at the said university. The president of Joseph Ki-Zerbo University, Professor Jean-François Silas Kobiané, was delighted with the organization of this event which allows great visibility of research at Joseph Ki-Zerbo University.

For him, research is a demanding activity. He congratulated the recipients and urged them to be examples in their professional careers. Also, he invited those who want to embrace the career of teachers or teacher-researchers to respect the rules of ethics of the profession.

According to Professor Kobiané, Burkina needs a ‘critical mass of teacher-researchers and teac
hers to truly develop higher education institutions, particularly in a context where external training opportunities are relatively rare. “.

Regarding the complaints raised by applicants in relation to the conditions of studies and training, he reassured that discussions are underway to find lasting solutions to these problems.

The sponsor of the promotion, Professor François Zougmoré, appreciated the idea of ??organizing an exit ceremony. For him, this will allow the population to know that there are indeed efforts to provide our country with competent executives. He invited his mentees to continue to do quality work, in particular by participating in the training of students and sharing their experience with doctoral students.

Professor Zougmoré also urged doctors to avoid ‘shortcuts’. ‘We must not try to deceive everyone’s vigilance by using current means to quickly produce scientific research and move on,’ he indicated.

For Dr Abdoul Aziz Ouiminga, research must be useful to the community. In his opin
ion, ‘the godfather’s advice did not fall on deaf ears.’ ‘It should be noted that research is first and foremost for development and to promote Burkina Faso’s scientific research throughout the world,’ he said.

‘Our first objective is to contribute to providing quality teaching and above all to produce research articles linked to development to allow the Burkinabè population and the whole world to benefit from our results,’ he added.

It should be noted that the doctors were trained by three laboratories, namely the Sciences and Health laboratory, the Sciences and Technologies laboratory and the Letters, Sciences and Communication laboratory. The applicants come from Burkina and countries in the sub-region.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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