Burkina: The government calls on journalists to cultivate a positive and true narrative on the situation of the Nation

Ouagadougou: The Ministry of Communication yesterday, Thursday, invited journalists to cultivate a positive narrative on the situation of the nation, by highlighting community initiatives and acts of resilience of the Burkinabè people in the context of the fight against terrorism, without hiding the challenges.

‘In these times of uncertainty, the ability of journalists to highlight the positive aspects of our society, the acts of courage, solidarity and resilience of our country is more important than ever,’ indicated the technical advisor to the minister in charge of communications, Marguerite Doanio.

Marguerite Doanio read the speech of Minister Rimtalba Jean Emmanuel Ouédraogo, on Thursday July 25, 2024 in Ouagadougou, during training initiated by the online media Mousso News.

According to Ms. Doanio, in the current situation in the country, it is necessary to remind the world that Burkina Faso is committed to overcoming challenges thanks to its cultural and human diversity.

‘Creating a positive narrat
ive does not mean hiding the reality of the challenges we face, but rather working to balance these narratives by highlighting community initiatives, individual successes, peace and development efforts,’ she said. supported.

She also encouraged media professionals to use their platforms to balance conflict reporting by celebrating the successes and qualities of Burkinabè fighters.

The promoter of the Mousso News media, Bassiratou Kindo, also invited journalists to intensify writings that present an attractive image of Burkina Faso.

She noted the lack of information on the country and on certain Burkinabè personalities on Wikipedia, the world encyclopedia.

‘It is a free website and as journalists, we must write to better inform world opinion on the personalities who continue to mark the history of our country,’ said Bassiratou Kindo.

The theme of the training: ‘Editorial techniques and requirements in times of crisis’ was dissected by journalists Hama Baba, Albert Nagreogo and Franck Pougbila.

Source: B
urkina Information Agency

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