Congolese Minister of Transport, Honoré Sayi, surprised and satisfied with the security situation in Ouagadougou

Ouagadougou: Present in Ouagadougou as part of a meeting of transport ministers from ASECNA member states, the Congolese minister, Honoré Sayi, expressed this Friday in Ouagadougou his surprise and satisfaction with the security which reigns in the Burkinabe capital.

‘There is no curfew, there are no soldiers in the street anyhow. It’s nice to live here,’ declared the Congolese Minister of Transport, Civil Aviation and the Merchant Navy, Honoré Sayi.

‘We saw it ourselves. Especially since we have been all over the city. And therefore, a country that we want to present as being unvisitable but which is rather frequented, belies all the birds of ill omen,’ he added.

Mr. Sayi spoke at the end of an audience granted by the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traoré to the delegation of the 73rd session of the Ministerial Committee of the Transport sector within ASECNA member states.

The Burkinabè capital has already been the victim of several terrorist attacks perpetrated, among others, against the General Sta
ff of the armed forces, Spendid Hotel, the French embassy and even against the Istanbul Restaurant.

Since the coming to power of Captain Ibrahim Traoré, the strengthening of the military and paramilitary armed forces supported by volunteers for the defense of the homeland and the acquisition of war equipment, insecurity has declined significantly in all regions of the country. country.

Although Burkina Faso remains the victim of terrorist attacks, most major cities and secondary towns have regained their previous calm and more than 774,000 displaced people have been resettled in reconquered areas.

The improvement in the security situation has since allowed the Land of Upright Men to organize all major events such as the SNC and Fespaco while the Ouagalais live without any more psychosis linked to the terrorist phenomenon.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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