The delivery of health equipment by the President of Faso widely commented on by Burkinabè newspapers

Ouagadougou: This Friday’s publications comment on the delivery of health equipment to the Ministry of Health by the President of Faso, Captain Ibrahim Traore for the improvement of the provision of care to the population Burkinabè.

‘Improving the provision of care: 15 mobile clinics to make things run better’, headlines the front page of the dean of Burkina Faso’s private daily newspapers, L’Observateur Paalga.

The private newspaper informs that the provision of care in Burkina will significantly improve with this large batch of materials and equipment that Captain Ibrahim Traore handed over yesterday Thursday in Ouagadougou to the Ministry of Health.

The colleague specifies that the donation is made up, among other things, of 15 mobile clinics, 11 cold rooms and 23 4×4 vehicles worth 14 billion FCFA.

The public newspaper Sidwaya maintains that this equipment will allow populations to carry out examinations such as ultrasound, mammography, colonoscopy, cervical and breast cancer screening and to take ca
re of children’s care. .

According to him, the State’s objective is to bring care closer to the most vulnerable populations in Burkina Faso.

The private newspaper Le Pays, for its part, indicates that the mobile clinics will be sent to all 13 regions of the country.

He continues that this equipment was acquired by the Burkinabe government with the help of its partners for the benefit of the populations.

Under another chapter, the same newspaper reports on the takeover ceremony of the new Director General (DG) of the national police, Jean-Alexandre Darga yesterday Thursday in Ouagadougou.

According to the private newspaper, the new DG Darga says he favors leadership by example, in the presence of the Minister in charge of Security, Emile Zerbo and the delegate for Security Mahamadou Sana.

In the same vein, the public newspaper Sidwaya dwells on the installation of the commander of the first military region, the weapons commander of the place, the battalion chief, Hamado Bambara.

The state daily notes th
at the new battalion chief of the first military region officially took office yesterday Thursday in Kaya, in the presence of the army chief of staff, Colonel Théophile Nikièma.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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