The ‘Koom’ association strengthens female leadership through observatories and endogenous groups

Ouagadougou: The ‘Koom’ Association for the self-promotion of women in Burkina Faso (AKAFEM/BF) launched its promotion project on Thursday during a workshop in Ouahigouya. of female leadership in the prevention and management of community or intra-community conflicts in the provinces of Yatenga and Zondoma.

The ‘Koom’ Association for the self-promotion of women in Burkina Faso, with the support of its technical and financial partners, has undertaken the implementation of its project to promote female leadership in the prevention and management of community conflicts. or intra-community in the provinces of Yatenga and Zondoma.

The said project aims to highlight the skills and involvement of women in the promotion of peace and conflict resolution within communities in the communes of Lèba, Bassi, Oula, Ouahigouya.

Indeed, the resurgence of conflicts linked to the management of agro-sylvo-pastoral species, access to land, religious practices among others have led the Koom association to get involved, hence t
he organization of the meeting information and appropriation of the project by the actors in order to promote peace and social cohesion in the target municipalities.

Nomtondo Hamsétou Madeleine Ouédraogo national coordinator of AKAFEM/Burkina indicated that the project to promote female leadership is implemented through an action plan of 14 activities. This continues its course thanks to the assistance of observatories set up and extended to endogenous groups such as blacksmiths, drummers and other resourceful people in order to contribute to establishing peace and social cohesion in the communities. Ms. Ouédraogo called for support from all stakeholders in achieving the project’s objectives.

Aboubacar Sidiki Nabé, High Commissioner of Zondoma on behalf of the Governor of the Northern region, praised the initiative and vision of the Koom association which is implemented in the difficult context experienced by communities in the Northern region. .

‘This project reinforces the government’s efforts in buildin
g and consolidating peace and social cohesion,’ argued the Governor’s representative. Mr. Nabé thanked and invited all actors for a sincere commitment so that conflicts are transformed into opportunities for dialogue, cooperation and living better together thanks to the leadership of women.

This workshop was chaired by the Governor of the Northern region, represented by Aboubacar Sidiki Nabé, High Commissioner of Zondoma.

Source: Burkina Information Agency

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